BAQ Report Designer Filters


What tables do you have in your BAQ?  I am assuming you have the PO Header table included.

And you added the POType field to the BAQ.

Did you look at adding an option instead of a filter?  Like I said before - Filters are usually used for major keys (custid, vendid, SO Number, etc....). The PO Type is not a key field.  If the field is available in the Options tab

then you could add it there (options is like a filter).

if the field does not show up under options, I would need to see if I can recreate it so I can give you other suggestions.  So if you can tell me what tables you are using and how you are linking them. I can see what I can do.


I have a few tables that my report can be filtered by, but I need to add more. The tables that I would like to include in my filters are not currently available on my list of tables. How do I add the tables that I need to filter by?

hi -

Have you tried adding the additional tables to the BAQ?  In my experience, not ALL fields are available for

filtering.  I have never come across a way to force the fields to show.  The filters are basically the main KEY fields of a table you have added.

Have a nice day

Marianne Gizzi

Estes Group


I was able to add one of the tables I needed, but one still remains that I can't add. My coworker explained adding them to the BAQ display column. The POHeader.POType is the one I still need to add. I tried adding "KEY" fields with it as well but still no luck. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!