I am trying to figure out how to set a parameter to accept multiple values. For example below, I have the parameter for the GroupCode, but I can only enter one code when I run the BAQ. How can i get this to accept more than one group code.
I am trying to figure out how to set a parameter to accept multiple values. For example below, I have the parameter for the GroupCode, but I can only enter one code when I run the BAQ. How can i get this to accept more than one group code.
I am not sure if you can select mutliples but you could choose editor type of DropDown or List
You can add more than one parameter, then add the multiples in the filter as an or. I do it with Job Numbers on one of my dashboards. Just make sure you uncheck the skip condition on empty on all but the first one.
Learn something new every day!
What do you have to do to get it to show up and select it?
Edit, Never mind I figured it out, you have to use expression
It works like any other parameter. You just click save and close the parameter screen. I have seen this act a little weird once in a while and closing and opening the screens seems to return it to normal.
yeah you’re right. I don’t know why it wouldn’t show up in the list on the first one. The second one I tried it was in the list. It works slick.