BAQ - Historic counts produced from a resource

Hello Everyone!

I’m trying to get a list of part numbers and quantities produced from a given resourceID/OpCode, for a given time frame. Here is what I’ve got so far:

for each JobOper where ( JobOper.OpCode = ‘1001’) no-lock , each JobHead where ( JobHead.JobCompletionDate >= 01/01/2016 AND JobHead.JobCompletionDate <= 12/31/2016) and (JobOper.Company = JobHead.Company and JobOper.JobNum = JobHead.JobNum) no-lock by JobHead.PartNum.

This will return all the jobs completed in 2016 with an op code for the resource in question. I then display JobHead.PartNum and JobOper.QtyCompleted, which gives me the part number and quantity for each job returned, but it returns multiples of each part number. How can I get it to group the part numbers and give a total quantity for the year?

I think I’m on the right track, but I’m really just shooting in the dark. I’m not sure if i’m using the right value for accurate quantities.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated!! I found some really useful information here: BAQ - How many times a part has been used for a job - ERP 10 - Epicor User Help Forum but I’m having trouble translating it to my situation.


So, I figured out what I was doing with the query, and I’ve found the tables and fields that I need.

I’ve created a BAQ, and a report with the Designer, generated sample data, drafted the Crystal Report, and deployed the BAQ back to the system, then populated it into a test menu. But I’m running into an issue when I try to run the report.

Every time I select the report and try to print preview, the report runs, the preview window opens, and the data that I need is there, and then Vantage stops working.

Has anyone encountered this before?

You might try pulling in a very limited data set (one day?) first to see if the report finishes properly.

Does it show an error or just give you the “not responding” message?

Brad Boes

It doesn’t give an error. Right after the preview window opens I can see all the data returned, and then a little box pops up saying “Mfgsys.exe has stopped working.” My only option is to click “ok”, which then closes Vantage.

I’ll reduce the scope and see what happens.

This turned out to be a Crystal Reports .NET runtime issue. Problem was resolved after installing SP5 – Just figured I’d follow up and close it out :stuck_out_tongue: