BAQ Help Filter on Dates

I wrote a BAQ - I have the All open Jobs from Job Head and I am linking it to the Partrans table for Receipts to stock or shipped to customers (outer join).

Some jobs do not have a transdate -

I am trying to get all jobs with a null transdate or transdate is today.

I can’t seem to figure the null syntax.

In E10 you can set a table criteria to “IS NULL”

OR that with the field equal to the BAQ special constant (choose TODAY)
Make sure to add parenthesis around the OR lines

ooops - I forgot - We are on Epicor 9.05.605 - the null doesn’t seem to work.

Can you make a sub-query in E9?

If so, make it just the one table, no criteria, and add a calculated field that is true when the date field is null OR the date field = today.

Then on the main query, have a criteria of the sub-query need to be TRUE.

For 9.X use a ? (Question mark) for null checking dates


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The ? worked well, I just don’t understand why ISNULL under compare operator doesn’t work.