I ended up having to create an ODBC Query in Excel, then use a pivot table to generate the matrix.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "c.krusen1" <ckrusen1@...> wrote:
> I need to create a BAQ to make a matrix of the number of jobs that used combinations of Part 'Ax' and Part 'Bx'. There are about 6 P/N's for Ax, and about 8 for Bx.
> How can I find records that have the same JobNum, and have Part A1 and Part B1?
> If I could use a table twice in BAQ (can't cause I'm on 8.03.409c), I'd do the following:
> JobMtl_0.Company = JobMtl_1.Company AND
> JobMtl_0.JobNum = JobMtl_1.JobNum AND
> JobMtl_0.Part = 'A1' AND JobMtl_1.Part = 'B2'
> And then just change 'A1' and 'B2' for the various combos I'm interested in.
> Thanks,
> Calvin