BAQ Error "Bad SQL"


I have a BAQ, it finds customers with no orders, then for these customers it finds their quotes, and then gives the win/lose reason code from the task tree. If I delete block 4 (the task/reason) it works. Or if I change the join from 3 to 4 to in inner join it works, but then quotes without a task completed do not appear in the results.

Analyze finds no problems, it only gives a “Bad SQL” error when you actually run it. I have attached the actual BAQ and screenshots.


 * Disclaimer!!!
 * This is not a real query being executed, but a simplified version for general vision.
 * Executing it with any other tool may produce a different result.
	[Customer].[CustID] as [Customer_CustID],
	[Customer].[CustNum] as [Customer_CustNum],
	[Customer].[Name] as [Customer_Name],
	[Customer].[EstDate] as [Customer_EstDate],
	[QuoteDtl].[LastUpdate] as [QuoteDtl_LastUpdate],
	[QuoteDtl].[QuoteNum] as [QuoteDtl_QuoteNum],
	[QuoteDtl].[ProdCode] as [QuoteDtl_ProdCode],
	[QuoteDtl].[PartNum] as [QuoteDtl_PartNum],
	[QuoteDtl].[SellingExpectedQty] as [QuoteDtl_SellingExpectedQty],
	[QuoteDtl].[ExtPriceDtl] as [QuoteDtl_ExtPriceDtl],
	[QuoteDtl].[Discount] as [QuoteDtl_Discount],
	[QuoteDtl].[LineDesc] as [QuoteDtl_LineDesc]
from Erp.Customer as Customer
left outer join  (select 
	[OrderHed1].[CustNum] as [OrderHed1_CustNum],
	[OrderHed1].[OrderNum] as [OrderHed1_OrderNum],
	(count(OrderHed1.OrderNum)) as [Calculated_OrderCount]
from Erp.OrderHed as OrderHed1
group by [OrderHed1].[CustNum],
	[OrderHed1].[OrderNum])  as SubQuery2 on 
	Customer.CustNum = SubQuery2.OrderHed1_CustNum
left outer join Erp.QuoteDtl as QuoteDtl on 
	Customer.Company = QuoteDtl.Company
	and Customer.CustNum = QuoteDtl.CustNum
left outer join  (select 
	[Task1].[Conclusion] as [Task1_Conclusion],
	[Task1].[SalesRepCode] as [Task1_SalesRepCode],
	[Reason1].[Description] as [Reason1_Description],
	[Task1].[Key1] as [Task1_Key1]
from Erp.Task as Task1
inner join Erp.Reason as Reason1 on 
	Task1.Company = Reason1.Company
	and Task1.ReasonCode = Reason1.ReasonCode
where (Task1.Conclusion <> ''))  as SubQuery3 on 
	QuoteDtl.QuoteNum = SubQuery3.Task1_Key1
where (Customer.EstDate >= @StartDate  and Customer.EstDate <= @EndDate)
 and (SubQuery2.OrderHed1_CustNum is null)

NewCustomerInactivity.baq (46.5 KB)

@josecgomez hey look same problem we just had! But wait… the customer table is involved in this one too, coincidence? Perhaps not!

We just troubleshot a query where if you joined InvcHead to Customer via Company and CustNum the query would time out and say “Bad SQL” remove the customer table all good. Funny thing that’s a native index so nothing weird there. Not sure if Jose ever found out exactly what was going wrong, but running the query from the Execution Plan or the Designer window it was fine, as the BAQ not fine.

Which Version are you all seeing this on? I can test see if it occurs in older vs newer.

Bah, why didn’t I think of that. The last 2 queries I was stuck on for a long time were also crashing because of Company. Deleted all company from the joins and it works fine now.

MT SaaS, we just got upgraded to 10.2.500.2 not too long ago.

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geez I wonder how many of my BAQs would break on 10.2.500.2 if I had this bug :slight_smile: I thought Epicor used ATE and Unit Tests to test each build, but we often find non-trivial bugs that could have been avoided (yeah I know im blaming .2 it could also be Data specific).

Its not every BAQ with company in it, in fact none of my existing BAQ’s broke. Its something to do with the specific tables and joins used or something? Maybe @jgiese.wci can tell you what the exact criteria is, but its been a long standing issue that company messes stuff up sometimes.

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I just ran your BAQ in 10.2.400.10 - Just imported it ran a small and a large date range, instant results, no error. Ran in 40ms for 400 rows.


I think I might have found another problem? This super simple one also gives a bad SQL error and it has no join with customer…


	[QuoteHed].[QuoteNum] as [QuoteHed_QuoteNum],
	[Task].[TaskID] as [Task_TaskID],
	[Task].[TaskSeqNum] as [Task_TaskSeqNum],
	[Task].[TaskDescription] as [Task_TaskDescription],
	[Task].[Conclusion] as [Task_Conclusion],
	[Task].[ReasonCode] as [Task_ReasonCode]
from Erp.QuoteHed as QuoteHed
inner join Erp.Task as Task on 
	QuoteHed.QuoteNum = Task.Key1

in 10.2.400.10 worked no error.

Query returned 1235 row(s).
Query has no more records to return.
Query execution total time: 287.0886 ms.
	[QuoteHed].[QuoteNum] as [QuoteHed_QuoteNum],
	[Task].[TaskID] as [Task_TaskID],
	[Task].[TaskSeqNum] as [Task_TaskSeqNum],
	[Task].[TaskDescription] as [Task_TaskDescription],
	[Task].[Conclusion] as [Task_Conclusion],
	[Task].[ReasonCode] as [Task_ReasonCode]
from Erp.QuoteHed as QuoteHed
inner join Erp.Task as Task on 
	QuoteHed.QuoteNum = Task.Key1

These types are different. Should you not cast the QuoteNum to varchar?

I’ll try that now, but @hkeric.wci didn’t have to it seems.

Yeah, I saw that. Strange. Whenever I connect an integer to one of those KEY# fields, I usually cast it.

This worked:

	[Task].[TaskID] as [Task_TaskID],
	[Task].[TaskSeqNum] as [Task_TaskSeqNum],
	[Task].[TaskDescription] as [Task_TaskDescription],
	[Task].[Conclusion] as [Task_Conclusion],
	[Task].[ReasonCode] as [Task_ReasonCode]
from Erp.Task as Task
inner join  (select 
	(convert(varchar, QuoteHed.QuoteNum)) as [Calculated_calcq],
	[QuoteHed].[QuoteNum] as [QuoteHed_QuoteNum]
from Erp.QuoteHed as QuoteHed
group by [QuoteHed].[QuoteNum])  as SubQuery2 on 
	Task.Key1 = SubQuery2.Calculated_calcq

Is that how you normally cast it?

But the BAQ I had in OP works without the casting. Very strange… so sometimes you have to cast and other times you do not.

Yes and, I can’t tell you man.


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Tables that use key1, key2, key3, etc… might have a single data type as key1, and if its’s the right type, no casting needed.

But in a table like TranGLC, Key1 can be different types. The type depends on the RelatedToFile field.

If RelatedToFile = PartTran, than Key 1 is a date. For Most others its something that looks an integer

If you look at the BAQ Results, notice that the numbers are left aligned. Meaning they are really text strings.


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I get that part, but if Key1 is actually a string why would it ever work without casting (not counting string ↔ string joins)? For example in my original BAQ I had:

And it works, but the second BAQ I posted, I used the same fields and it did not work, until casting was added. That was the cherry on top as far as confusion goes.

Hi Evan,

Task.Key1 is NVarchar(50) and QuoteHed.QuoteNum is Numeric.

So you need to cast the QuoteNum as NVarchar(50) to make it similar to Task.Key1

On your BAQ you should have something like this:

[QuoteHed].[QuoteNum] as [QuoteHed_QuoteNum],
[Task].[TaskID] as [Task_TaskID],
[Task].[TaskSeqNum] as [Task_TaskSeqNum],
[Task].[TaskDescription] as [Task_TaskDescription],
[Task].[Conclusion] as [Task_Conclusion],
[Task].[ReasonCode] as [Task_ReasonCode]
from Erp.QuoteHed as QuoteHed
inner join Erp.Task as Task on
Task.Key1 = Convert(NVARCHAR(50), QuoteNum)

So on the inner join definition, add the following expression: Convert(NVARCHAR(50), QuoteNum)


Ah, that is a better way of doing it. I made a sub query with a calculated field and then joined with that, but your way looks less messy.

Welcome to the forums by the way.


Yes, sorry, I do the join like @Jorge_Gracia.