BAQ\Dashboard - Work Queue

Have you tried just adding it to the Menu? Or are you looking for a actual Dashboard?

Program: Epicor.Mfg.UI.WorkQueueEntry.dll


Miguel Santillan
ERP Administrator
Compass Manufacturing Services
DL: 510-661-6666

From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Thompson
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] BAQ\Dashboard - Work Queue

Potentially interested in this too.

From: litzer1 <scott.litzau@...<>>
Sent: Tuesday, 3 January 2012, 23:14
Subject: [Vantage] BAQ\Dashboard - Work Queue

Has anyone duplicated the Work Queue functionality in MES as a BAQ/Dashboard? I would like to use that functionality but not at a MES station. Basically for a Shop Floor Supervisor to see what Current, Avaiable and Expected jobs there are for a particular Department and/or Resource\Resource Group.


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Has anyone duplicated the Work Queue functionality in MES as a BAQ/Dashboard? I would like to use that functionality but not at a MES station. Basically for a Shop Floor Supervisor to see what Current, Avaiable and Expected jobs there are for a particular Department and/or Resource\Resource Group.

Potentially interested in this too.

From: litzer1 <scott.litzau@...>
Sent: Tuesday, 3 January 2012, 23:14
Subject: [Vantage] BAQ\Dashboard - Work Queue

Has anyone duplicated the Work Queue functionality in MES as a BAQ/Dashboard? I would like to use that functionality but not at a MES station. Basically for a Shop Floor Supervisor to see what Current, Avaiable and Expected jobs there are for a particular Department and/or Resource\Resource Group.


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