BAQ Dashboard with a link to AR Invoice Detail

Hello, I have made a BAQ Dashboard in Kinetic ERP. I have one field in my grid that I’ve made a link and I would like to open AR Invoice Detail when clicking on the Invoice Number. I created a dataview for the Invoice ERP service and I think that I need to make an event in the Grid section to open a new app and then navigate to page but it is not working. Does anyone know how to do this please?

Yes, you’ll need an event with a trigger of:

Type: Grid
Hook: On Click
Target: your Grid ID (in Grid Model, near the bottom there is an ID field, so it’ll be whatever you put there)

Columns: the target column

Then you’ll just have an app-open event to open AR Invoice

There’s a Launch Options (json) that’s where you’ll need to pass the value so it opens to the right invoice.

You can try the below (entering the dataview.Column that holds your invoice number). This is what the existing forms use:

	"type": "Ice.Lib.Framework.LaunchFormOptions",
	"options": {
		"valueIn": "{DataView.Column}"

You know I just spun up a really simple dashboard with customer and did a right mouse click on the customer id field and it allowed me to select the customer entry from the context menu.

If you are clicking on the Invoice number field I would have though you could select AR invoice tracker straight up no further customisation on the dashboard.


Thank you for your help! This is working now.

Others have mentioned that sometimes the right mouse click may not work, closing and expanding the panel resolves the issue.