BAQ / Dashboard Multiple Criteria apply to BAQ

Good Morning,

I’m spinning wheels trying to come up with efficient design for my dashboard. It is an updatable one to provide new part add review procedure. I have a group of personnel in company who will only want to see records for their 4 part classes, all at once. They do not want to have to do individual personalized filters or anything like that. I’d like to provide a checkbox, check to see all part classes, leave unchecked for the limited part class list. How can I go about getting this to apply to the BAQ/dashboard?
(I recall having same conundrum before. In that case I used a UD to hold their selection. I don’t really prefer this method however, it has to get designed around multiple users doing different things.)


Where is the list of Part classes each user has as “their default”?

If you could build a list of the users for that part class into the BAQ, then your dashboard could filter on the active userid being in that list.


Part     Description    Class    UserList
=======  =============  =====    ============
ABC-123  Rocket skates  RRNR     wcoyte
ABC-200  Anvil, 1 TON   FHLH     fleghorn~tcat
ABC-400  Dynamite       UNIV     wcoyte~fleghorn~tcat


There is a Buyer Code on Part Class. Not sure if these are purchase parts or not…

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Hi Calvin,

Thank you for reply!
It’s simpler than that. It’s just one list for criteria or it’s not filtered. So, I need a filter for part class = consumable, raw material, experimental material, and finished part or NO filter. I’m thinking a checkbox on tracker customization that defaults to the filtered list and then user can check it for ALL part classes. BUT… how would I get that boolean over to run on the BAQ OR dashboard data?


Look at something like

AND the post after it.


Hi Mark,

Thanks for that thought, I forgot all about the buyer on the Part class. Our part classes aren’t aligned well with buyers to work this way. Our buyers work more along the lines of managing particular vendors and site purchases. It would’ve been a great and simple way to do it if we managed that way.


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Hi Calvin,

Wow ~ and you just were dealing with this yesterday… what a coincidence! I will look at this in detail. I think it looks like it’ll work.

Thank you!

Hi Calvin,

You’re method with BAQ calculated field and instead of “starts with” but I used “matches” on the dashboard tracker prompt works well. I decided to use the UserCodes table instead of nasty hard coding part classes for review in calculation. Here’s screenshot of my solution in case it helps anyone else.



As a follow up … one of the upgrades (10.1.400 to 10.2.300 I think) actually broke my original functionality.

I think I used to use MATCHES so users could enter a B (for both). In 10.1.400 that would work. But in 10.2.300, I’d have to type YB for yes, NB for no, and *B (or maybe it was %B) for both.