BAQ CAlc Field Error


I am trying to use this for a calc field and i keep getting an error.

Case when InvcHead.FiscalYear = Year(dateadd(year, -1, GetDate())) then sum((InvcHead.DocDepositCredit+InvcHead.DocInvoiceAmt)) else ‘’ end

Ice.Common.EpicorServerException: Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric. —> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric.

What are you trying to achieve, it looks like invoices from last year?

try this

Case when InvcHead.FiscalYear = Constants.Year -1 then InvcHead.DocDepositCredit+InvcHead.DocInvoiceAmt else 0 end

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Have you tried . . . else 0 ?


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I’m needing to sum all the invoice amounts for particular fiscal years, but it needs to be like a rolling five fiscal years. So can’t hard code it needed to be where it’s year -1, year - 2, etc.

@AndyGHA is right. You need a numeric field, and numeric fields can’t be an empty string. So you need a 0 in the else.

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Also, I think you need to move your aggregate function around your case statement.

So instead of this,

Case when InvcHead.FiscalYear = Year(dateadd(year, -1, GetDate())) then
else ‘’ end

You should do this.

when InvcHead.FiscalYear = Year(dateadd(year, -1, GetDate())) then 
else 0

I don’t think you can aggregate inside of the case statement like that.

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     THEN SUM(InvcHead.DocDepositCredit + InvcHead.DocInvoiceAmt)

@aarong , you can’t shove nulls into number fields (int or decimal)

He didnt say it was a int field :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Thank you all! I ended up using @AndyGHA and @DaveOlender to get it to work. However, I was very intrigued by @Banderson thoughts on it. Playing with that one for future work.