BAQ Building Tips - Help Needed

I’ve been asked to build a “Supply and Demand Summary” baq / dashboard. The baq is to go out and get our forecast, sales order demand, and our firm and unfirm job qty’s by part number. After all that data is collected I need to put those quantities into buckets:
Past Due - everything that was due before today and is still open, and then everything from the current month to 12 months out from the current month.

The end result should be formatted similar to the following:

Currently I have a baq that creates a union of all the required data and stacks it by year_month format:

Supply_Demand_Summary.baq (82.4 KB)

What I would like to do next is pivot out the information in the baq to match the above image.

Thanks for the help!

I didn’t open your query, but I’m assuming that you are using the PartDtl table? It should have most everything you need without having to union a bunch of other tables.


I was actually using a mix of the forecast, orderrel, and job head tables! I’ll have to look at PartDtl as I’ve never used it before!

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PartDtl should have everything you need Plus some… you may need to filter out suggestions from the mix. PartDtl is basically the TimePhase screen. You could summarize it and then lookup any additional details after the summarization.


How do you filter out suggestions in the PartDtl table?
I see order release firm and job firm but haven’t found anything for transfer orders.