I am trying to create dashboard with all our parts with their BOM’s. I have it done except i have a lot of parts that have more than one material on their BOM’s? how do i get more than just the first MtlSeq on it?
@taustin without seeing the baq it is hard to say. do a search for bom explode and there are some good example of how to do this for multilevel boms
I attached the fields i pulled in for the BAQ. Here is the test screen. If you look at the first # 010562000 we use the 882021 plus another material. I need both to show up on this BAQ
Does that help at all?
If it is just PartMtl then there a condition stopping the rest. Are there other tables that are joined but not displayed? I would start with no conditions.
This BAQ will need to be a CTE. otherwise, you will only get one level.
Multi-Level BOM creation is fun, you have to figure out which part rev of the child you want to use, as you go down levels of the BOM.
Yes but this will not be a multi-level BOM.
sorry it is working. I see what i did wrong. Thank you everyone