I want to display the jobs that dont have the OpCode = INT
I have Job Head to Job Asmbl to Job Oper…but when I add JobOper it displays all the Operations, so I get X times data…
IF job contains INT, dont display it. How would I do this?
I want to display the jobs that dont have the OpCode = INT
I have Job Head to Job Asmbl to Job Oper…but when I add JobOper it displays all the Operations, so I get X times data…
IF job contains INT, dont display it. How would I do this?
There is a NEG checkbox that makes the CONTAINS or = negative. From the Help: Neg
Select this check box if you want this criterion to evaluate a negative value.
You may also want to try setting the operation table to only pull in the
first or last instead of each operation.
If I do Last or First, it wont pick up INT because it is neither first or last.
If I do the NEG, which I tried. it still shows me all the other ops, so it didnt show me the INT op which is fine, but at the end I want the Job to be displayed once.
Group Operation Job
A.I.T. INSP FR640983
A.I.T. CRIMP FR640983
A.I.T. WM FR640983
A.I.T. HAR FR640983
A.I.T. KIT FR640983
A.I.T. PACK FR640983
A.I.T. WM FR641697
A.I.T. KIT FR641697
A.I.T. CRIMP FR641697
A.I.T. HAR FR641697
A.I.T. INSP FR641697
A.I.T. PACK FR641697
Left Join on the JobOper table with a Table Criteria where OpCode = ‘INT’
SubQuery Criteria where OpCode ISNULL…