Bank Reconcilliation

testing out 10.1.500 we are coming from 10.0, the accountant is looking for bank reconciliation, but that’s gone/changed? Is it statement processing now? They are saying it looks a lot different, i have not a clue about that process. Anyone have any ideas?

RTFM :wink:

Page 1440

Like my first question ever on here and this is what i get from you… you are dead to me :head_bandage: :gun:

Rob its still there but it has changed quite a bit

Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner

Capstone Alliance Partners 888.597.2227 Ext. 71
<888.597.2227%20Ext.%20714>2 | 904.412.6847 (cell)

don’t cry cause you don’t wanna read LoL

Moderator on Moderator crime…

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i know where you live…just sayin

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@Mark_Wonsil ​"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" applies here eh?

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Who moderates the moderators?

Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner

Capstone Alliance Partners 888.597.2227 Ext. 71
<888.597.2227%20Ext.%20714>2 | 904.412.6847 (cell)

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