Looking for a procedure on how to do a bank reconciliation in Epicor 10
I use trial and error. No kidding, here are the first slides of the PPT I made for this:
I’ll try to redact this thing and maybe I can share it unclassified.
The application help will get you where you need to go.
Start there. Then when you get hung up let us know.
The application help is actually okay on this.
Here you go. This is not from honed experience. It was me flying in blind and taking screenshots along the way.
You’ll see I messed up on step 3 and had to go back and strikethrough it. I left the error in there on purpose.
It does work; we’ve been using this “guide” for 3 years. I personally don’t do rec’s, but I’ve helped troubleshoot. But, ahem, test it first in a test environment!
@utaylor I’ll say, I don’t remember the help files. I think I was so clueless then that I don’t know if it would have helped.
Bank Statement Reconciliation in Epicor - REDACTED.pdf (991.9 KB)
thanks, the email response got hung up in my spam filter…