Backup Strategy Cloud

Hi, Just wondering if people can advise their backup strategy for the cloud?

We have a reuirement to keep 7 years of data back ups but so far I can see Epicor keeps back up data for a maximum of 30 days? How do others manage retaining or collecting this back up data?

Does the cloud do daily, weekly, monthly and annual backups and keep that data for a minimum of 7 years? Does it use the Epicor ABS and Failover option? Systems Assurance | Epicor is it separate suite Epicor Security Suite | Epicor ANZ or is this the answer on page 11 and if only retained for 30 days how do other businesses go about keeping backups for 7 years?

Thanks in advance

It’s standard practice to keep financial records for 7 years for IRS audits. I’ve not heard of a 7 year database backup requirement though.

Inherently, as soon as you start using Epicor, your database is retaining a digital audit trail of all financial transactions. A database backup is just a snapshot in that timeline, and anything past 30 days would have little practical use.

That being said, you should be able to request a copy of your database from Epicor Cloud Services at any time. You can retain these copies on the storage medium of your choice.

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