Hi All,
Wondering if anyone has had any success with getting the open API documentation of the Epicor REST interfaces imported into Azure Logic Apps as a customer connector?
We already use Logic Apps to automate some of our business processes and would like to include Epicor in some of those workflows but every time we download the json definitions from the interactive REST page and try to import them Azure complains.
I also found an online swagger/OAS validator tool which also doesnt like the Epicor definitions.
I can create the connectors by hand and it all seems to work OK …but that is a bit time consuming and i didnt want to re-invent the wheel for no reason, i expect ill end using lots of business objects and methods so it would be best if I could just import the API definition and get to work.
Here’s the error i get on import:
“PUT https://logic-apim-uksouthblahblahblah failed with BadRequest,
content={"error":{"code":"ValidationError","message":"One or more fields contain incorrect values:","details":
[{"code":"ValidationError","target":"urlTemplate","message":"URL template is invalid"},
{"code":"ValidationError","target":"templateParameters","message":"All template parameters used in the UriTemplate must be defined in the Operation, and vice-versa."}]}}”,
Any tips greatly appreciated