Sorry for the delay... We don't have the inventory interface
turned on and we don't use the capture wip program. Therefore
when we create entries for wip and scrap we need to use the
information from the reports but they are actual not standard.
Troy Funte wrote:
turned on and we don't use the capture wip program. Therefore
when we create entries for wip and scrap we need to use the
information from the reports but they are actual not standard.
Troy Funte wrote:
> Joe,
> Can you elaborate on the WIP report? It would use the actual costs that are acruing on the part, wouldn't it? Then what happens when a Job closes that opened as average cost, and was on standard cost when it closed? Does it show in a variance report somewhere?
> (All this stuff is fairly new to me, by the way.)
> Troy
> >WIP report doesn't value wip at standard. DMR/Scrap reports don't
> value scrap at standard.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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