Available Quantity Calculation (when another order is Buy To Order linked to a PO)

Does anyone else think that it is odd that if another order for the same part is marked buy to order and is linked to a PO that the quantity of the buy to order line-release is deducted from the available quantity?

I feel that if an order line-release is marked Buy To Order, it should NOT be included in the calculation of Available quantity.
Order 1:
35 on hand - 104 Buy To Order = -69 Available
Time Phase for the part:

Order 2 (Line):
160 this line-release minus 56 shipped = 104 Buy to Order
Order 2 (Line-release 1; release 2 already shipped)
Part Transaction History Tracker (for these two orders and a receipt):

Per the help statement (for Available Quantity):

I think the available quantity should be the Total Quantity on Hand - Total Demand Quantity but exclude any Buy to Order demand quantities.

Does anyone else agree or am I looking at this wrong?

Kind of hard to follow.

Something that jumps out at me is that BTO receipts show up as PUR-UKN for us (at least in 10.2.300). And Shipment of a BTO item shows as UKN-CUS. At least for OTF parts.

Or is this a part that is in the Part Master, and has both the Qty Bearing and BTO boxes checked?

@ckrusen, this is a part in the Part Master and only has Quantity Bearing checked. When our parts order entry team processes an order for a part that we do not have enough quantity available to fulfill the order, they mark the line-release Buy To Order, then MRP generates a purchasing suggestion, then purchasing issues a purchase order and the PO is linked to the Sales Order. When another order comes in for the same part, the available quantity shown is less the Buy To Order quantity (sometimes resulting is negative available quantity). I do not think this is correct because if a part is buy to order on the sales order, then it is linked to a purchase order and will not be able to be picked and shipped until the linked PO is received.

If the Buy to Order demand will never take from available inventory, then it should not reduce the available quantity in my opinion. Does anyone else agree with this, or I am looking at this wrong?

Okay, I follow what you’re saying. I agree that BTO order lines/releases should be excluded from calculations, as they are their own little thing.

It looks like there is confusion (either by the software or by us users) as to how exactly to manage materials meant for BTO. There is a BTO flag on the Part Maint, but I’m not sure exactly what it does. You stated that the part entry does not have BTO checked, so it’s not like that flag controls whether or not a non-OTF part can be BTO.

@ckrusen, I apologize for the confusion. In my example, Order 1 was not buy to order (and actually occurred after Order 2 in my example), but Order 2 Line-Release1 was marked Buy To Order for a quantity of 104.

This part is an inventoried part, but we will select Buy To Order for releases when we exhaust our inventory, so we would not default the Part Master as Buy To Order. The help info on Buy To Order on the Part Master shows:

I am glad that I am not the only one who feels that Buy To Order releases should not be part of the Calculation for Available quantity. I guess I should open a case and hope that I do not get a “Working as intended” response.

This is weird… I did the following:

  1. Made a new part that has both BTO and QtyBearing checked.
  2. did a QtyAdj to get QOH up to 50
  3. Created an order with a line for that part with line qty of 100, and saved. The qty’s (on the Lines\Detail tab) show as:
    And the Release (there’s just 1) shows as BTO.

Now If I go to the Release tab, change that Qty 25, and save, I see the following on the Release tab:

That also shows on the Lines tab.

BUT … If I hit refresh, the qty’s update to:
(same #'s show on Line and Release tabs)

So it looks like the functionality that determines what to put in those fields doesn’t work exactly right. Like it is not going out and getting fresh numbers from the allocations.

@ckrusen, To test things out, you would need to create a second order because the Available quantity does not include the current line or release (to make it easier for users to understand if there is enough available to satisfy the Line or Release). I do like how this works.

So if you create a second order for that part at a quantity of 200 and set the release for Buy To Order, then when on the line or release of your first order, you will see available -150, but if the second order release is Buy To Order, it will not take from what is available because it will directly link to a PO that is exclusively for this Buy To Order release.

Per EpiCare support, I have created an Idea. Please vote on it if you think this would help your team out too.
