Automation Studio - Connector SDK

Does anyone know if you can use the Workato Connector SDK in Automation Studio and does Epicor charge you for your own connector?

I have a specific use case where I would like to take advantage of an action that would suspend and be resumed by an external application

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Don’t quote me on any of this, but I believe that you would make the connector and publish it to workato and it might show up. I don’t see any “SDK” connector our there, so I’m not sure how publishing would work.

We have used on the on prem connector to run command line files, and you can call anythign REST that you want. So I would assume that there might be easier ways to get what you need.


I’ll be a bit more specific. We are investigating using Automation Studio for approvals, so we would be looking to suspend an action until the approval is complete in our custom application.

Workato has a product called Workflow Apps which does the approvals we are looking for. This would save me time creating the interface for approvals. Unfortunately, this is not available to embedded customers (Epicor) just yet.

Thanks for the information