Auto Print Ready in Sales Order Entry

I want to print pick slip from Sales Order Entry using Auto Print Ready by setting up a BPM however in BPM i can only select sales acknowledgement report and proforma invoice.

How can i setup the pickslip report?


On the AutoPrint Report Dialog there is a field called “Report Table Level” and the default for that is “xxxxx is the Primary Table” where xxxxx is the table name for your data directive. Change that drop down to “All Tables” and you will then see all the Reports and you can then select the Pack Slip report.

Many Thanks Richard!

I have now tested my AutoPrint BPM and it came with an error “Program Ice.Services.Lib.RunTask raised an unexpected exception with the following message: RunTask: No printer found in the printer settings. Printer is optional only if Email or Fax settings are present.”

But I have a printer setup in printer settings. I did not work for both custom and standard reports.

Any ideas?

For others that trip across this post later looking for a solution:
AutoPrint BPM widget not only needs a Printer configured in Printer Maintenance, but that Printer needs to be associated with something the BPM can determine the best printer in the system to send the job to.
In Company you can set the Auto-Print Default Report & Label Printer, which Auto Print will use if no other printer can be determined.
Next you can setup a Workstation and associate a Report & Label Printer with the Workstation. Then when the user is logged it that user needs to associate the workstation with their account.
On the Report Style for the report there is an SSRS Printer setup as well, but this has a more specific use and is optional.
However the final option is to statically define the printer you want to use in the BPM’s Auto-Print Setup. The Options include ‘Use Default Printer’ which would follow the above logic (BTW - if none of that is setup you will get the error mentioned), Network (which is just a list of the Printers you have setup in Epicor) and Client which means the client the Auto Print was triggered from will get a Printer Prompt.