Auto log off Vantage users in 6.1

This is standard feature in Vantage 5.2, not sure about 6.x, but would
assume they have it for 6 as well. You can get instructions from Vantage
support on how to implement it. Below are the instructions they had
sent me for 5.2...


Instructions for configuring progress client time-out

Goto your progress/bin directory. In there you have two files we'll be
working with. One is the "ini2reg.exe" (we'll use this program to put
client time out function into your registry.) The other file we'll be
is the progress.ini. For my example we'll be setting our time out 20
minutes. You can change this number to whatever you want. It does not
out data collection/shop floor logins unless they are "crashed out".

1. First thing you want to do is make a backup of your progress.ini.

2. Edit your progress.ini file(make sure you have a backup) erase
everything out of it and put the following


3. Save this as progress.ini

4. Double click on the file "ini2reg.exe" an interface will come up.
the "1)Enter the name of the .INI file you wish to translate." field
out to your modified version of the progress.ini(the one with just
"[Startup] ClientTimeOut=20" in it) In the "2)Select the Registry base
select HKEY_CURRENT_USER then click on "Translate". Next in the
the Registry base key" select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and click on
(**NOTE**In a previous version of Progress I had to translate it into
HKEY_USERS. You may have to do this if yours doesn't work.) OK we're
here let's exit out.

5. Erase your modified version of the progress.ini.

6. Put back your original version of the progress.ini.

7. Now let's edit your original version of the progress.ini and make

8. In your progress.ini your going to put the ClientTimeOut value.
erase anything out of the progress.ini. We're just going to add a line
it now. Make sure it's for the same number of minutes you had in your
modified version. It should look something like this. Look 5 lines
DefaultFont=MS Sans Serif, size=8
DefaultFixedFont=Courier New, size=8


9. Now save the progress.ini and exit. Reboot your server.

10. From now on any clients that are idle for more than 20 minutes will
logged out of Vantage or any crashed processes after 20 minutes will be
cleaned up thus giving you back your Vantage license.

This is a built in feature in Progress and they do support it.

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I know I have seen on this usergroup a post that someone developed a rutine to log people off of Vantage after a certain time frame for Vantage 6.1.  I was wondering if someone still has it and could email me the routine or the file to accomplish this task.  We do not however want to log our plant floor stations off.
Thank you,
Jeff Keizer
IT Manager

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This is a built in feature in 6.1 with Progress 9.1d. The main limitation is that it applies to everyone so you can't exclude specific people or set different time limits. On the rother hand because data collection screens update the time they produce constant activity and thus do not get logged off....a trick some people may figure out to run Office Data Collection minimized and prevent time-out.

If is a simple registry setting...I can't recall at the moment but is detailed in the Vantage knowledgebase.

-Todd C.

From: [] On Behalf Of Jeff Keizer
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 9:23 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Auto log off Vantage users in 6.1

I know I have seen on this usergroup a post that someone developed a rutine to log people off of Vantage after a certain time frame for Vantage 6.1.  I was wondering if someone still has it and could email me the routine or the file to accomplish this task.  We do not however want to log our plant floor stations off.
Thank you,
Jeff Keizer
IT Manager

Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now at

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Thank you for the reply but I have logged on to the Vantage Knowledge base and could not find any references to this.  If you can find it and email me the document that would be greatly appricatied.
Jeff K

--- On Mon, 6/2/08, Todd Caughey <caugheyt@...> wrote:

From: Todd Caughey <caugheyt@...>
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Auto log off Vantage users in 6.1
To: "" <>
Received: Monday, June 2, 2008, 10:32 AM

This is a built in feature in 6.1 with Progress 9.1d. The main limitation is that it applies to everyone so you can't exclude specific people or set different time limits. On the rother hand because data collection screens update the time they produce constant activity and thus do not get logged off....a trick some people may figure out to run Office Data Collection minimized and prevent time-out.

If is a simple registry setting...I can't recall at the moment but is detailed in the Vantage knowledgebase.

-Todd C.

____________ _________ _________ __
From: vantage@yahoogroups .com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of Jeff Keizer
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 9:23 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups .com
Subject: [Vantage] Auto log off Vantage users in 6.1

I know&nbsp;I have seen on this usergroup a post that someone developed a rutine to log people off of Vantage after a certain time frame for Vantage 6.1.&nbsp; I was wondering if someone still has it and could email me the routine or the file to accomplish this task.&nbsp; We do not however want to log our plant floor stations off.
Thank you,
Jeff Keizer
IT Manager

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
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I'm new to Vantage and looking for that same feature. Can you email
me the details or point me in the right direction?



--- In, Jeff Keizer <keizer_jeff@...> wrote:
> I know I have seen on this usergroup a post that someone
developed a rutine to log people off of Vantage after a certain time
frame for Vantage 6.1.  I was wondering if someone still has it
and could email me the routine or the file to accomplish this
task.  We do not however want to log our plant floor stations
> Thank you,
> Jeff Keizer
> IT Manager
> Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and
bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now at
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Jeff and John,
Here is a copy of an earlier post on the timeout utility, I use this and
it works fine. It is not supposed to log out shop floor data collections.

where n is the number of minutes a client can be idle before the server
disconnects it.

This ClientTimeOut parameter must be put into the registry of the server
machine, in one of the following keys, by default this key will not exist so
will need to be created.




where <version> is the current version (e.g. 9.1D).

bikecrankmasher wrote:
> I'm new to Vantage and looking for that same feature. Can you email
> me the details or point me in the right direction?
> Thanks!
> John
> --- In <>,
> Jeff Keizer <keizer_jeff@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I know I have seen on this usergroup a post that someone
> developed a rutine to log people off of Vantage after a certain time
> frame for Vantage 6.1.  I was wondering if someone still has it
> and could email me the routine or the file to accomplish this
> task.  We do not however want to log our plant floor stations
> off.
> >  
> > Thank you,
> >  
> > Jeff Keizer
> > IT Manager
> >
> >
> >
> __________________________________________________________
> > Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and
> bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now at
> > <>
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >