Auto Invoicing

Can someone point me to where I would need to start/go to set up Auto Invoicing?


like recurring?

No but I am sure that will come up. I just know accounting asked about auto invoicing.

So basically automating the process of creating a group, bringing in shipped invoices, and posting them all automagically?

Everything but Posting…I think they are looking for invoices to be created. Evidently I didn’t ask them enough questions. I will find out exactly what they want.

you can set up Epicor to auto invoice for AR… but buyer beware, it will also autopost for you as well. You can’t go half-way on this one with the out of the box capabilities they have in place. You can do what @jgiese.wci describes. We are actually doing both. The base level that Epicor includes you can fortunately do by customer if that helps. The other where you build a group, bring in shipments and do everything but post requires a bit of epi-customization.

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If you are talking about shipment invoices you can use the “Generate Shipment invoices” process and add it to a recurring process. This way the invoices will be created when the process is scheduled to run. The user can then review them in the group and take any further steps like printing etc.

Vinay Kamboj



          can you schedule this-doesn't it need a unique Group ID each time?