Auto Invoicing in Sales Order Entry

I am looking to start using the Auto Invoice function in the sales order entry screen. I have been doing some research and saw that the invoice auto post. Does it also send an email to the customer with the invoice attached in some way?

Is there another way I can auto create invoices from shipments and it not auto post?

Any help is appreciated.

Hello Thomas… welcome!

Auto-invoicing does NOT result in auto-emailing (at least not in Epicor 10.2.200). What we have done here is create a data directive that looks for InvcHead.GroupID that begins with “ai” and for a change of InvcHead.Posted from “any” to "True, in which case it then calls for auto-print using a customized style of the ARForm that has APR print-routing enabled.

You can create invoices from shipments by using the “Get Shipments” action in AR Invoice Entry. I believe there is a way to automate the “Get Shipments” action, but we haven’t tried to do that since we use the auto-invoicing for our customers with net terms. Our credit card invoices also are automatically posted, and we have created a separate but similar data directive to email those automatically.


To stop auto posting, suggest to enable manual review voucher thru Posting Engine.


The other option may be a bit unorthodox. You could ensure your Auto Invoice/ERS Orders is configured in Company Maintenance/Sales then create all your orders lines as Time and Materials. When you ship the pack through customer shipment entry. With the lines set to time and materials, the Invoices will get generated, but be put on hold and not posted.

Out of the box you will get this message.

It should be possible to have two BPMs. One that set the Time and Materials flag on the order line, and another one to override the Post Update Messages when you ship/invoice.

The final step to post the invoices would be to go into each group and validate each invoice, take them off hold, run the Edit List, Print/email, then post. It would be possible to use a dashboard to do that if you wanted to streamline it a bit.

It is also possible to automate the Get shipments process, as an Epicor Function and schedule it:

  • Generate a New Group
  • Perform the Get Shipments for all currently shipped packs.
    This would reduce the number of groups you would need to review and they would contain multiple invoices, rather than a group for each pack/invoice as would happen if you were auto-invoicing

Finally, one other option is don’t auto invoice, and do a manual get shipments process on a regular basis and use the shipped not invoiced report to ensure all invoices are generated.

I hope this gives you some ideas.

Hello, how would I go about doing this?

In Transaction type option - look for AR Invoice - enable Manual review flag enabled. Note - this will make all AR Invoices will go for review journal before posting.

Hi Scott, what does your data directive look like for credit card invoices? How is it different from other invoices that are posted? Our credit card customers are not receiving their invoices right now and I would greatly appreciate the help!