Auto Complete on text field

I would like to be able to start typing in my textbox and it would automatically get data in Kinetic. For example, on a part # field (in a dashboard), it would show 5-10 results that starts with the value I entered. I see that there is an ‘Auto Complete’ but not sure how to configure it?

Similar to the ‘Predictive Search’ that we had in Classic


I’m not sure that’s fully functional right now.
I played with those settings and found it did absolutely nothing and could not find a reference to it being on in any of the Epicor native screens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don’t think they have predictive searches/zone BAQs available quite yet. They’re still working on Kineticizing the Ice Toolset.

In 2022.2 I just verified that Predictive Search is now available. It was actually added in 2022.1
To activate it, you right click on the field, and choose Predictive Search, and create the new search for your field.


Hi, thank you for letting me know. That’s something that we wanted to work with in our Kinetic screens

The 2022 version really is adding a lot of features, that’s great to know !

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I tested and it seems to work that way:
Classic Screen: Starts With but if you put a % before and after your search term, it’s pretty much a Contains
Kinetic: Contains.

Is there any way to do a Starts With in a predictive search in a kinetic screen?