Auto Complete Not Completing

I have tried to look into the Help files before posting and Epicor today is telling me Unable. This happens occasionally and by the tomorrow i have no issues. Anyway, I have an issue with Jobs not auto complete even though the parameters are met. Where can I look to see why or how this is happening?

I have looked at the Job Complete/Close Parameters Maint and I looked over the Job and everything seems to be in order.

Active labour transactions (ie somebody is clocked in to them) will stop auto-complete running - check the labordtl table for active transactions. I think unapproved transactions will also impact.

Any material still to be issued or where the related operation on the bom is zero (not associated with an op) will also impact - material will not backflush if related operation is not correct.

Also any ops that have not been completed or where more than the required qty has been completed will stop this working.

@josecgomez @Mark_Wonsil The auto complete process, I am assuming the parameters needs to be set up and then the product group for the part must have the Job Completion and Closing set up correctly as well, correct? So when a job is created the auto complete is based upon the part and it looks in the group to see what it is supposed to do, correct?

There is a Job Completion and Closing Exception Tracker that should tell you why it did not close or complete. That only populates if you have the Auto Job Close/Completion running.


Correct you need to activate it on the Prod Group.


As Kimberley says check the exception trackers, even if the job meets the parameters lots of non parameter factors, for example operations not completed will stop auto complete/close of a job.


Well, I quickly found out that the auto job completion was not running. I ran it and then Jobs got completed before they were shipped. Something my company does not want. So, I’m thinking I will not be able to sue this process after all.

Doesn’t sound like with your process Auto Complete/Close will work for you.

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We hit the same snag with auto complete/close. Also transactional discipline is poor so we might have a job with multiple sub assemblies and say 50 ops and because one op has not been clocked off the whole thing wouldn’t auto-complete

We created a simple dashboard that listed every job where the full qty had been shipped. We export to excel and then update them via DMT (there is a job closing/complete template) - takes a couple of minutes to close hundreds of jobs. I can give you a copy or share the query text.

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I have also used DMT to Complete or Close jobs. I understand the not clocked off issue. We had that too, management starting holding people accountable and it became less and less.

If you can share a copy, that would be easiest. But that is a good idea.

Blockquote select
[JobHead].[JobNum] as [JobHead_JobNum],
[JobHead].[ProdQty] as [JobHead_ProdQty],
[JobHead].[QtyCompleted] as [JobHead_QtyCompleted],
[SubQuery5].[Calculated_Shipped_Total] as [Calculated_Shipped_Total],
[SubQuery6].[Calculated_LastShippedDate] as [Calculated_LastShippedDate],
[JobHead].[JobClosed] as [JobHead_JobClosed],
[JobHead].[JobComplete] as [JobHead_JobComplete],
[JobHead].[ClosedDate] as [JobHead_ClosedDate],
[JobHead].[JobCompletionDate] as [JobHead_JobCompletionDate]
from Erp.JobHead as JobHead
left outer join (select
[JobProd].[JobNum] as [JobProd_JobNum],
(Sum(JobProd.ShippedQty)) as [Calculated_Shipped_Total]
from Erp.JobProd as JobProd
group by [JobProd].[JobNum]) as SubQuery5 on
JobHead.JobNum = SubQuery5.JobProd_JobNum
inner join (select
[ShipDtl].[JobNum] as [ShipDtl_JobNum],
(max( ShipHead.ShipDate )) as [Calculated_LastShippedDate]
from Erp.ShipDtl as ShipDtl
inner join Erp.ShipHead as ShipHead on
ShipDtl.Company = ShipHead.Company
ShipDtl.PackNum = ShipHead.PackNum
group by [ShipDtl].[JobNum]) as SubQuery6 on
JobHead.JobNum = SubQuery6.ShipDtl_JobNum
and ( SubQuery6.Calculated_LastShippedDate <= DATEADD (day, -6, GETDATE()) )
where (JobHead.JobClosed = False and JobHead.ProdQty <= SubQuery5.Calculated_Shipped_Total)

We are make to order, if we have shipped the full quantity linked to the job more than 7 days ago, we want it to appear on this list. For us 7 days is a buffer to allow folks to catch up with any missed clockings so that the costs go to the jobs.