Attachments Sometimes there sometimes not


Users have began adding attachments to AP Invoices

One user is having difficulities, sometimes when she logs in she can see the Attachment option in Actions menu, and mostly she cannot.

I tried the clear cache, log out and back in, which worked yesterday. But not Today.

Has anyone come across this - our users are working remotely and using SSL Vpn to connect in. Only 1 user is having this issue.

I have thought about reinstalling Epicor…
Any advice appreciated.

For weird UI behaviors like this my trouble shooting plan is as follows.

  1. Check another user login on the same machine (to see if it is the machine or the user)
  2. Delete client cache.
  3. Delete any personalisations the user has for the screen (can be done from the customisation maintenance screen)
  4. Do a deep clean of the cache - there is a folder somewhere that you can delete. Something like c:\users<USER>\AppData…

Hope this helps.


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Hi Carla,

We have had particular difficulties with attachments and some users not understanding the difference between an attachment made to the header versus the line. Could this be the problem, that user is clicking in header and looking for a line attachment, or vice versa?


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We’ve also had times where users thought they were opening the …Entry form, but were actually using the …Tracker form.

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I’m not sure about the AP Invoice Entry but when our users add attachments to a sales order it doesn’t actually copy the attachment to the order but instead adds a link to where the attachment is and if the user add’s the attachment from their computer instead of the server only that user will have access to it.

Josh, you can configure the system to avoid that issue. If you select ‘File Transfer Using Service’ in the File Transfer options in company maintenance / Attachments tab. That will suck the file onto the Epicor server (Or where ever you have set it to store the files). You can also use the attachment maintenance screen to see and edit the location of the attachments.


Thanks that is good to know in the future. I think the way it is right now works best for what we do we have several customers that require different NDAs so only having a link to an attachment makes it easier to control who can and can’t view the attachment.

AND you know IF they viewed the document. This is built-in to DocStar and SharePoint.