Attachments - move from on-prem server to SharePoint

We are in the process of testing for conversion to Kinetic/SaaS (from on-prem 10.1.400). Along with the conversion we are moving our attachment files to SharePoint to eliminate the on-prem hardware they are on currently.

I’m struggling with something. I pulled all records from XFileRef, opened that in Excel. In Excel I used Find/Replace to fix the path to the SharePoint path and I added a DocTypeID that matches the Document Type I created for SharePoint Attachments with as the Base URL. I used DMT to put that corrected file back in Kinetic Pilot.

These links don’t work. When I go to an order, access Attachments and click the view button, I get an error ‘Invalid path

Error Detail

Correlation ID: 373c81a5-6149-4816-bc1d-b21e4fb8a72f
Description: Invalid path
Program: Ice.Services.BO.Attachment.dll
Method: ValidateFilePath
Table: undefined
Field: undefined’

When I copy that path and paste it into a browser, the file opens.

I attached the same file using the Attachment functionality and the path is virtually the same This file also opens. The file was in the folder and when I attached it, it was copied to the XXXX/OrderHed folder.

Is there something in the Kinetic tables that I’ve screwed up with my Excel and DMT fix?

Pull a BAQ up on it and compare.

Make sure you edited the existing records and not added new ones with dmt.
The sysrowIDs need to be the same.

Because XFileRefAttch is linked to it via:

Looks like your document type is still pointing to file attacments, not SharePoint attachments and tries to work with them as with files in the server folder.

after reading your responses, I tried a few other things.

First, I changed the BAQ to pull all fields rather than just the required fields. I copied a few files over to the Sign in to your account folder and pulled the records for just those orders.

Then, using Excel and DMT, I changed the path to Sign in to your account. That failed with the same error as before when I clicked View to open the file.

I changed the path to Sign in to your account. That worked.

It seems Kinetic insists on the files being in that sub-folder.

I made sure to change the DocTypeID to a valid Document Type for SharePoint on all records I DMT’d back in.

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