Assign Serial # to parts already in stock?


I’m new to Epicor and completely self taught, so please bear with me on my explanation here.

I’m trying to remove Serial Number Tracking for a part by unchecking the box in Part Maintenance. It was a Generation type Serial Number. However, the check box is grayed out. After some research, it seems that in order to uncheck that box, we must have 0 in stock. No problem, I’ll just Quantity Adjust…wrong!

When I try and Quantity Adjust the 10 to 0, Epicor throws an error saying “The number of serial numbers you have selected doesn’t match the number required. You have 0 selected, you must select 10 serial numbers.” No problem, I’ll just go to Serial Number Assignment and Assign the serial numbers to all 10 parts for Job “ABC”, since all 10 were made/received via Job ABC. I successfully assigned Serial Numbers 0001 - 0010 to all 10 parts. Now maybe I can Quantity Adjust…wrong!

Now when I try and Quantity Adjust from 10 to 0, Epicor doesn’t like how the parts are in WIP status, they must be in Inventory status. However, I can’t or don’t know how to change that status without receiving the items, thus increasing stock quantity.

Does anyone know how to either

  • Change Serial # status from WIP to Inventory without increasing stock of that part

  • Assign a Serial # to a part already in stock

  • Uncheck that “Serial Number Tracking” box in Part Maintenance while material is in stock

When you are in Quantity Adjustment, you will need to click the “Serial Numbers…” button at the bottom of the screen to adjust the quantity out of the system. Otherwise you get the error you saw.

Without choosing Serial Numbers:

After clicking the Serial Numbers… button. If you click the “Retrieve Available” button, it will show all of the serial numbers you have in the system:

After chosing/creating serial numbers in the selection screen, Epicor now shows the 5 on hand:

If I understand your current situation correctly, I would receive the parts from the Job to Inventory, Quantity Adjust them to zero, and then remove the Serial Tracked flag before adjusting them back into inventory.

Thanks for the reply!

So when I go to Retrieve Available Serial #'s, nothing shows because I haven’t entered in any. Makes sense. But when I Assign Serial #'s in, they’re in WIP status, NOT inventory status, and thus cannot be used on Quantity Adjustment (Epicor throws me an error when I try). The only way I know to get the Serial #'s to Inventory status was to Receive those parts to Inventory, but that increased my Inventory from qty. (10) to qty. (20), thus defeating the purpose since I can then only Quantity Adjust the 10 with Serial Numbers out of Inventory.
When I try and create serial numbers using the tab displayed in your screen shot, everything is grayed out, not sure why.

The real issue I think is that I’ve somehow managed to turn on Serial Tracking flag without Serial Tracking 10 parts that are in my inventory. Thus I can’t adjust them out because they aren’t serialized, and I can’t assign them serial #'s without increasing inventory. There’s got to be a way to do one of those things…

You shouldn’t be able to turn tracking on a part while it has qty on hand.

I’m not understanding the sequence.

  1. You had 10 on hand and the checkbox was checked?
  2. You wanted to adjust these 10 out of stock so you could “uncheck” the serial number checkbox?
  3. Then you wanted to adjust them back in without the serial numbers?

If you enter serial numbers in the job (WIP), then those serial numbers only go into stock when you receive them into inventory. If the job was for 10 and you entered 10 more, then those 10 will then give you 20. Since these are in inventory, you shouldn’t have to touch the job, that will just create more work for you. What @tsmith said about selecting the serial numbers in the Quantity Adjustment app should allow you to adjust out the 10 which would allow you to uncheck the Serial number box in the Part Maintenance (make sure it is also done on the site tab).

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Does anyone know how to either
Change Serial # status from WIP to Inventory without increasing stock of that part.

  • Serial Number Maintenance, you can manually change the serial number status through that
    Assign a Serial # to a part already in stock
  • Is the part currently serial tracked without serial numbers?
    Uncheck that “Serial Number Tracking” box in Part Maintenance while material is in stock
  • I’ll look into this one for you & get back to you.
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I have had to do something like this before. For example, we had jobs that were make to order AND auto-receive. That is a VERY bad combination. Wowwee, it made a mess! For a job to make 1 EA, we shipped one (and assigned its serial number), but one also “auto-received” into stock as well with no serial number attached. Accounting was hosed, too.

In that case, basically you need to create the serial numbers in serial maintenance and then assign them to the parts or jobs or whatever.

But it really is a last resort, and you’d want to be absolutely sure as others have said that you fully understand what happened - root causes - and change only what is needed.

Did you manage to sort the problem?
What you need to know is where the current ‘Parts’ are located without the serial numbers attached and note down that location. Now you need to know what the serial numbers are for the parts and then go to the Serial Number Maintenance screen. Once you’re in that screen change the status for the parts from WIP to Inventory and ensure the Warehouse & Bin match up with the ‘Part’ location. Repeat this step with all the serials (Or trial it with one first to ensure it works). This will tie the link between them enabling you to move both the parts and serials together.

I figured it out. I know it sounds remedial, but I didn’t know that “Serial Number Maintenance” existed. I used that to change Serial #'s from “WIP” to “Inventory” status. Then I could reference those serial #'s when Quantity Adjusting down to 0. Thanks everyone!

Now I owe our Accounting department lunch…again. :smile:

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