Assets Depreciation Issues

I Have below issue when Import , Post and calculate depreciations for Assets :

Example :

I have below assets details :

AssetNum AssetDescription AcquiredDate CommissionedDate ResidualValue AssetRegID Depreciate AssetMethod DepConvention AnnualDepRate AssetLife LifeModifier CurrentCostvalue CurrentBookvalue CurrentPrevYearDepn IsPosted Added ReadyToPost AdditionType NewAsset
100000002 HVAC System 02 15/11/2014 00:00 12/31/2018 00:00:00 1 Assets TRUE SL SD 10.00 92 Periods 46,900.00 35,965.50 10,934.50 TRUE 31.12.2018 TRUE MISC TRUE

Case 1 : When use Inter-group option and post assets Addition no GL Effects , in assets screen it will appear as posted , im try to post assets without this option and all transaction posted in review journal.

Case 2 : when calculate depreciations for assets , the Prev Year depreciations not appear on Assets Calcuation.

Case 2 : The Calcuation for Depritation not correct

            Sampe : Current Book Value – Resudial Value / Remaining Years 
                         In Second Line of above image : (41,436.04 – 1) / 92(Periods)  = 450.3808696

                                                                                 =  The Value in the system = 455.33 please clarify.

Just to Share with you epicor Support Feedback :

Let me already reply to your first Asset issue regarding asset addition with inter-group.
I need to inform you that since 10.1.600 this is a new limitation in the system:
Any transaction by selecting inter-group will not have accounting impact.
You have to do manual GL entry for your case scenario.
More precisely now we can add new addition with Inter-group (it means Previous Year Depreciation) only for current Fiscal Year.
This limitation is associated with serious changes in the work of Asset Management module in version 10.1.600, which have already been made and will be made in the near future.
The current Fiscal year for your data is 2018. If You need to add new additions with Inter-group for 2019 year, the previous year needs to be closed.

This limitation applies only to new addition with Inter-group. All other AM operations can be performed in any open year.

With this reply I consider we have given you a reply and workaround regarding asset issue no 1.
For the other asset issues, I am waiting for the backup.

Thank you for your reply.

Good to know!