Not sure which tooling you speak of. But in general nothing changed as far as I can tell there still on C# version ancient for BPM / Function compiling.
I’ve enjoyed the stability of 4 consecutive versions 2022.1 → 2023.2. We just moved to 2022.2 in January and will be jumping again to 2023.2 within a couple months, and it’s not a big deal.
I think Martin’s point is more that if you make yourself do it more often, you’ll naturally look for ways to get better at it. He’s talking about programming but it’s just as true with other things in life. When I was on Public Cloud, we did the first upgrade from 10.0 to 10.2.100 and it was painful. 10.2.200 came around and the people were squealing that it was too soon. 10.2.300 went smoother. After the 4th upgrade, people just knew what to do and didn’t complain at all.