AR Invoice BPM after posting

Hi all,
I’ve created a Data Directive on InvcHead that is looking at the OrderHed table terms code and InvcHead DocDepositBalace. If the DocDepositBalance is more than 0 and the terms code is WEB it sends an email. The email, however, is picking up the string of the ttInvcHead posted invoices and orders rather than one at a time.
Anyone have an idea how I can send an email like this with only one Invoice/Order number where the condition is true?



I have an In-Transaction BPM on InvcHead and when the Posted field changes from False to True I enable a Standard BPM that either builds a CSV for EDI customers or emails a copy of the Invoice for others, this works one Invoice at a time.

What does the Send Email widget settings look like?

Also, You’ll want a few more conditions to keep from sending emails with every single update of the InvcHead record.

This whole thing would be better as a Method Directive on the posting process. That way it can only fire once, as opposed to every time the Invoice is updated.

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here’s the email widget

If I do a method directive. if I do a method directive it would be on the InvcGrp.PostInvoices right?

I get this error when I try to use a specified field change

Can I see this? Does it work if there are more than 1 Invoice in a group when it’s posted?

Step 1

Step 2

The Custom Code handles the generation of a CSV file for EDI Customers and the Auto Print handles the Email for the rest, I use SSRS Breaking and Routing (which you may not have) to send the email but I do not see why Send E-Mail would not work in place of this. We see a single CSV file or eMail for each Invoice with several hundred emails posted in a batch each day.

We do have APR and I don’t know why it’s picking up all the invoices/orders in the group. The criteria is looking specifically at the InvcHead.DocDepositeBal to be > 0 so I thought this would filter it better…but nope

Click on “with rule” link of the Send Mail configuration statement and select one of “for each” radio-buttons. Use for each matched if your widget connected to the true exit of a condition block and you want to apply filter based on the condition.