AppStudio New Drinking Game

Ghost moves or something need to be implemented here so you’re not trying to play Pin the Tail on the Donkey with App Studio.

The game goes, everyone gets 30 seconds to nest a container, after 30 seconds you drink and pass the mouse.

Happy knows exactly how to smooth talk this thing into behaving


@bconner , is this how this is supposed to work?? I am having a super hard time getting things to go where they need to go.

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No joke I watched this while it happened live and I was in tears (laughing)… its a great entertainment for those watching! I’ll attest that @Banderson eventually got it in the right container while I giggled in the background

We were all cheering him on! When he finally landed it, it was like a Packers touchdown in Zoom!


it was glorious

What a relief, I thought I had a bad mouse… :worried: Trying to put a textbox in a container, Finally found the fastest way was to put the text box below the container, take a drink of coffee, then try to put it in the container, shorter distance to travel for the textbox. Works like a champ… :wink: Glad my office close to the restroom…


Here to own up to our still too difficult to use drag and drop behaviors. Long story short - yes we know it’s frustrating to hit the target you are aiming for with our current implementation and we need to take another pass at it to fix the behavior with nested containers.

We have recently (for fall) also reintroduced the ability to select and move an element using the keyboard up/down through the lists for quick fine positioning which makes this less painful, but still not where we want it to be and it’ll get an additional fix on nested drop targets.


Awesome! Thanks so much. I love how responsive you guys have gotten. There’s good, and bad to the new UI, but you guys are really listening so I’m excited to see where it goes!


Missed you this year Brian!

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One other note on this which can also mitigate in the mean time is cut & paste - cut component, select destination, paste (though we’ve had a couple bugs there which are mostly sorted in updates on 11.1.100.x also).


Perfect! Those are the kind of tips I was looking for until you guys get a chance for a real fix.

I was telling folks that they needed a left handed mouse for this to work better. Everyone is using the right handed one.

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Way to ruin our fun Pin the Card on the Container game @bconner :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Great info thanks for the tips!

Well if you really miss the challenge after we improve this particular issue you can head over here and get an even more exhilarating experience any time you like.


I think I just had a stroke. You ruined the rest of my day with that.