Hello everyone, I am having an issue with applying a customization I made to a dashboard. In the screenshot below, you can see that epicor does recognize that there is a customization available for the dashboard.
Interesting side note:
After I click okay and select the customization in the previous screenshot, it prompts me again as shown in the screenshot below, but it does not have any customization’s available the second time it asks.
However when I go to select the customization in Menu Maintenance, it won’t let me select a customization for a dashboard, it is just greyed out, pic below.
You have to deploy the dashboard to allow it to be customized. Once it is deployed, add a menu with Dashboard-Assembly. Then from the new menu, customize the screen. Then you can update the menu with your customization.
I did all those steps except “restart Epicor”. Do you mean log out and log back in or restart the app pool? I’m not sure how to restart the app pool for Saas customers.
Close the client and reopen.
However, if you added a menu, you couldn’t have attempted to open that menu until you either logged out, or used the “switch user” method. At what point is the process failing?
Yes, the customization is created. I enabled both all companies and non-all companies and the customizations are still not displaying in menu maintenance.