Application Studio vs BPM

Greetings all,

As I have been working on new Kinetic applications and more specialized business functions I find myself torn between trying to make applications with events that call BO’s or writing a BPM to do the same thing. I am not down with functions yet.

A specific example I started questioning this under is a job scheduling dashboard. Use the BO events in App Studio to change the job schedule or use a updatable BAQ with BPMs?

The only reason I can come up with why to do one over the other is for scope. The BPMs can trigger on any similar BO through DMT, API or other calls.

Just want a sanity check if there is a best practice here. Please let me know your thoughts.

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I mean I’m not the dictator of best practices but I am certainly well opinionated on the topic :joy::joy: (almost any topic :zipper_mouth_face: just ask @jgiese.wci and @Banderson ).

I would say if you can avoid making BO calls on AppStudio then do.

Get into them, they are the best thing that Epicor has given us in years.

I will almost never make BO calls in App Studio. Move all your calls to functions and BPMs, move all your logic to the back end. I just posted this on another topic but frankly it applies for this too so I won’t repeat myself I’ll point you in that direction instead


yas yes GIF by Rosanna Pansino


Fast and clean. Thank you! I will scroll through this. I was also watching the " Anyone have principles used to ensure top-quality development in Kinetic?"

Functions have always been looming in the background for me and it seems like its time to just dive in. It was on the list for when we start making API calls to other platforms.


Functions are super easy, at least in comparison to other approaches.

I’m booked in for the Functions extended education session at insights AUS in a couple weeks as I need to start digging into this feature myself.


@hkeric.wci recently learned the power of EFX he’s on the boat now too. They are absolutely fantastic.


Just now? Wow, I’d have thought he’d have already been all over it.

But also, change is hard. Who moved my :cheese: ?


Oh, my. I can’t wait to see what he does with it.

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