Application Studio - Upgrade

I’m working on an upgrade from Kinetic 2023.1 to 2023.2. I have forms for the UD tables (UD01 Entry), and when the form was upgraded, the filter buttons no longer work. If I run the UD01 Entry program without any application studio layer, the button works just fine.

On the customized layer, there’s really not a whole lot of logic. I updated the landing page to hide some of the unused key fields and changed the column labels, and I just added a couple fields to the main page (like Character02). From a customization standpoint, this was about as basic as you can go. There’s no logic added other than putting a few fields on the screen and binding them to the UD01 fields. Nothing was done with any of the buttons on the screen in the app studio layer. So, not sure why the filter button isn’t working on my layer.

So, what I’d typically do is just rebuild the customization. Probably take me about as long as it takes to type up this post. But I’ve had to rebuild a few of these in the 2022.2 to 2023.1 upgrade. I’m wondering how you guys handle this type of thing. Is there a method you use to “copy/paste” parts of your layer into a new layer?

I don’t have a solution for you, just wanted to point out that I’ve found the same behavior when exporting Kinetic Application layers from one environment (test) to another (prod) in 2023.1. Any hidden columns are fully removed from the dataview, which caused me an issue with uBAQs and Key Fields

How are you exporting and moving environments? Using solution workbench?

Just using the “Export” and “Import” in Application Studio. Couldn’t figure out how to add them to a Solution