Application Studio Training

Hi all,

Was wondering does anyone know or recommend a Application Studio/Epicor development training course out there? To get accustomed with custom events etc?

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:


Insights 2025 Las Vegas

Extended Education


The Insights EE classes are a good into but if they’re full the ELC has some courses/documentation too. Epicor has also published the “Kinetic Application Studio Extensions User Guide” and “Kinetic Application Studio User Guide”

Plus there are some good threads here by EpiUsers.

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The above things mentioned are great. The built in help also has a whole section covering app studio basics.

Be warned, there will be much bug finding, closing, re opening, re saving, disappearing events, heavily nested options, options that don’t do anything, options that have no context, erroneous errors…sigh this forum has been a life saver :beers:


If @hmwillett and/or @josecgomez put on a dedicated class I would beg my manager to pay for it. No way I would get clearance to go shmooze at a casino!


Just follow anything Hannah posts, seems to do the trick for me :rofl:

Or peruse the Expert’s Corner here is another good spot to find technical stuff.

Hopefully this doesn’t over-notify Hannah… but these are permanently in my bookmarks. Disclaimer - I’m not saying bug Hannah with anything and everything application studio related. Hannah just rocks for these freesources and if/when we get around to ever making a yearly short list for thank you presents, Hannah is getting one.


Sounds like a pretty awesome lady.

Excited Schitts Creek GIF by CBC


I second this. Coworker and I are trying to get Insights approved this year specifically so we can take those App Studio classes, but it’s not looking promising.

An Epicor technical conference or Epiusers conference would be…

Happy Jeff Goldblum GIF by Spotify


EE classes are nice but the real power is in networking at Insights proper. If dropping the EE classes will help get the powers that be to approve you to go I’d suggest drop those two classes.


Awesome!! Thank you so much everyone for the responses!! This has been super helpful! :grin:

I’ll write you up a class description as if I were presenting and you can submit that to your manager. :stuck_out_tongue:

Believe Season 5 GIF by Paramount+


Here ya go. :rofl:

Harry Potter Ron GIF


Just my .02, but if you’re on this forum, you’re likely well past the basic or advanced training. I took the advanced one at the last insights, and it was not very insightful.

I got much more out of the customer-led trainings.


Not wanting to dis the education, it does depend on how you learn. Sitting and going through the follow along notes and having people there over your shoulder is helpful, but the scenarios they go through are scripted happy path type scenarios. You can guarantee when you are out of the class you will strike problem that was not covered.

However if you have had a crack yourself first with the many other resources available, then you can ask lots of questions and get your moneys worth… Of course you can to that here too :slight_smile:

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Those are the only ones I go to, except for introductions to new products, or new to me.


Are you doing one this year, @klincecum?

I don’t think I have time. But if needed I might whip something up and fill in.
(Absolutely not for Application Studio :rofl: )