Application Studio Pass Current Row Data in Event

I’m trying to recreate a UD table as child in application studio. I’m making child records for QuoteDtl and storing them in UD11. I created a dataview in application studio and can successfully load data into it using get rows. My problem is when I change quote lines I can’t get my UD11 data to refresh more than once.

I have a custom event after QuoteDtl Row Changed.


It calls get rows with a where clause to filter to the current quote line


This works for the first line I select, but any additional lines I select always send the same where clause.
For example when I click on line 3 first each time I change lines the my event fires but sends Key1 = ‘12300’ and Key2 = ‘3’ (Key1 is the quote number and Key2 is the line)


This is my syntax in the where clause.
Key1 = ‘{QuoteDtl.QuoteNum}’ and Key2 = ‘{QuoteDtl.QuoteLine}’

Any thoughts or a different approach I could take?

Did you ever figure this out?

I used a updateable BAQ to solve this. I set up the BAQ to subscribe to the screen records, then followed Hannah’s instructions on updatable BAQs.
For my new records I called an Epicor Function with the appropriate keys and refresh the BAQ.