Created a new application in Application Studio. I can preview the app and interact with the data but when I publish the application, create a menu item, and try to navigate I get an “Access Not Allowed” error.
Not sure what I’m missing.
Created a new application in Application Studio. I can preview the app and interact with the data but when I publish the application, create a menu item, and try to navigate I get an “Access Not Allowed” error.
Not sure what I’m missing.
Sounds like the menu you’re trying to publish to is one you don’t have access to.
Thanks for the quick response Kevin.
For a little context…the new application has one view in it that displays a grid that’s bound to an updateable BAQ.
My assumption is that this error is related to menu security because I can successfully preview the application and make changes to the UBAQ.
Here’s a screenshot of where I added the new menu item…
Is there a space in that name?? Not sure if that is creating an issue.
Yes there is a space. I’ll get rid of it.
Here’s the second attempt without the space and now the menu navigation works.
Why David…why???
I don’t have time for trivial bugs like this. If a space is going to break the functionality then why am I allowed to enter a space?
I appreciate your help on this.
And the epiusers say:
Glad its working!
Meanwhile the Epicor developers and management say, “Suck it up and deal with it.”
It weeds out the unwashed.
I feel his pain. Spaces can wreak havoc on EDI if they’re in the wrong spot…glad EDIHQ has a Trim command to get rid of them. Of course that doesn’t stop coworkers entering symbols like * and ~ and ^ in fields like CustomerName or PartDescription…that can be hazardous to one’s health.
My BPM does.
Oh so do I… and whenever I see part NUMBERS like [3/8" washer, 4" diameter] I know this one’s gonna be a doozy.
And it usually is.
Heaven knows I give them my opinion… sometimes they listen.
LOL…had to add some logic in to handle it here too…it’s an occupational hazard
We needed EVA instead…