Application Studio Job Entry Create Layer Error

We are an Epicor Cloud Customer
we are using Epicor 2023.2.11 (although in Browser only it shows either 11.2.400.11 or 10.1.64) No clue how to answer that question.

Kinetic Browser only, and go into Application Studio and then go into the JobEntry Base.

Create a new layer (don’t change anything) - Save it. Then run the preview.
The initial Job List Grid will be empty. Also, if you try to do a search, the search comes up empty as well.

This was confirmed by EpiCare and I was told this was going to be submitted to Development :frowning:

I clearly inconvenienced the Support person who was grousing that he had to get busy working on a Dev Write up. Sorry! (not :slight_smile:

I thought i would pass this on for anyone trying to create an App Studio Layer for JobEntry using Browser only UI.

Note: Workaround was to start with the Smart Client - then it works fine.

Heads up to all,