I’m working on migrating old E10 customizations to Kinetic and I’m stuck. In Part Entry we have a customization written that saves a “Sold To Customer” value in a UD field to record who “owns” this engineered part. The customization does three things:
Allows a user to click the button and search for a customer
Sets the Part.Number01 value = the selected Customer.CustNum value
If set, displays the Customer.CustID and Customer.Name values on load
So far, #1 an #2 is working, but I’m stuck trying to figure out how to do #3. Any ideas on how to display the actual text values of CustID and Name on form load (they can load in text boxes like the old customization above, or as text in this “Sold to Customer” box)???
Well, we are not storing Customer.CustID or Customer.Name in the DB. We are only storing Customer.CustNum in the Part_UD.Number01 field.
I just want to display the CustID and Name to the user for reference. Somehow, after the search is complete and the Number01 field updated, I need to display the ID and Name on this screen below (or in) the search box.
I looked over this link, but I don’t think it applies to my need here (I am quite fresh getting into Application Studio).
I’m assuming that I need to add two more text boxes, one to display the CustID and one to display the Name? Then somehow do a lookup on page load to get the ID and Name using the Part_UD.Number01 value (the Customer.Num) value?
1 - Create a BAQ which probably the easiest.
2 - Then create a new dataview for the BAQ which will create a event for executing the BAQ.
3 - I would use parameters in your BAQ on the CustNum then the event created by the guided setup.
Find the event created by the guided setup… Enter the parameter (Part.Number01) and it will populate the dataview you created.
Then your page. Display the columns from the BAQ DataView.
This assuming that you have data in Part.Number01. If you not…You would want to do a filter so you don’t get the stupid slide-out from the BAQ parameter.