Application Studio: Fields in GroupBox disappears when user save a personnalization

Here is an example of a layer that I published in Application Studio on the Supplier menu. I used a GroupBox and a Container elements to test. Both checkboxes are not linked to any data but I tested both and had the same problem every time:



If I click on Personnalize and then save (No need to actually personalize anything), the field in the GroupBox disappears:

is 11.2.200 your current version? I would test it in latest version, things have come a long way.

I should update the version, we’re currently in 2023.1.15

I would say then test it in 2023.2.5 first and then submit as a bug.

I don’t have an environment in 2023.2.5 which is why I posted on this forum to see if anyone noticed the same problem

Once we’re up to date, I definitely plan to submit it as a bug