Application Studio Data Rules

This feels like a bug ?

After doing some learning on Application Studio (online help, learning center, etc), I started experimenting with data rules.

Simple example for experimentation, set style for a control to error,
so I set Unit Price on Order Detail line to error if the value was 0.
It looks like this:

But it’s not highlighting

Discovered the browser debugging tools yesterday from this post:

here is the detail for the control in the rules log:

Notice the rule is evaluating to “true”
and under actions it shows “Error:control”

but is not marked in error

Thoughts ?

Did you try setting the value to 0.00?

yes, tried that, same result

Make sure you highlight the correct field. Epicor doesn’t actually show you the Unit Price field–they show DspUnitPrice.

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That was it, thanks !

lesson to remember, use field help, technical details to check the binding

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