Hi, I read a post that suggested you could set up the application server logs that get written to- c/EpicorData//Companies//Log so that they are “errors only” and “Append” to file.
Any idea where these settings are please as I cant find them?
I believe what you want is located in the admin console. Right click on the appserver name and select ‘Application Server Settings’. Below is a screenshot showing these settings that lets you enable the logging, setup the file path of the log file and what type of logging you want it to do.
Thanks Brandon for your response but it isnt the Trace log Im talking about, although I think the post I read probably was talking about that. I was enquiring about the application server log that writes to c/EpicorData/Company/Companies/Site/Log. We had an issue with a routine and this folder ended up with thousands and thousands of entries with lots of data in each of them, I was hoping there was a way of managing this process and what it writes but I don’t think there is.
There are a lot of processes in Epicor that have their own log settings. For example, Process MRP lets you pick append or overwrite, and has three different logging levels to pick from. Do you know which particular process was generating the errors? The settings aren’t centralized.
Hi, thanks for the responses, we have developed a routine to update the schedules via the restapi, it has an issue we are working on fixing but it is creating lots and lots of records in this directory on the server under the name of the user that the rest call is using. I was wondering if we could manage these logs like the trace logs where you can either turn them off or set params for it to clean itself if it gets to large.
I’m not sure what processes you are calling, but you can look to see if there is a logging parameter. Otherwise, you may need to schedule a powershell script to clean up log files on a periodic basis.
I think your right Doug, I think we are going to have to manage this folder ourselves as we havent set any parameter to tell the server to log anything in here, I think its just where it writes its errors every time from anywhere as there are a few other folders in here labelled with other peoples names on.