Application Help 404 File not Found


Are you an Epicor 9 user?

If so, have you encountered any bugs / annoyances in E9?

We are considering moving form V8 to E9 before going live to avoid some of the V8 bugs (which Epicor aren't going to fix), but we dont want to end up having more bugs in E9.

Would it be possible for you to compose a semi detailed list of bugs in E9 that you have encountered?

I intend to compile a list of bugs in E9 and approach Epicor to see if/when they will be fixed.



From: S. Michael Reeves <mreeves@...>
Sent: Saturday, 18 April, 2009 19:18:34
Subject: [Vantage] Application Help 404 File not Found

Hello folks! I just installed Epicor 9.04.503B and everything is running fine, (as far as I can tell), except the Application help. We are currently in implementation phase and I just did a fresh install from the Epicor 9.04.500 DVD, then immediately updated it to the 503 SP and 503B Path.

My only issue I can find thus far is when you try to access the Application Help, (Help -> Contents), it will produce a 404 Error saying that it cannot find the file. I tried installing the Help 503 executable which was successful, but I suppose I don't know why it is not able to find the Help directory, or rather, why the help directory isn't in the wwwroot file.

Any ideas as to why this is happening? I tried to go there via the Live database and the Training database.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Hello folks! I just installed Epicor 9.04.503B and everything is running fine, (as far as I can tell), except the Application help. We are currently in implementation phase and I just did a fresh install from the Epicor 9.04.500 DVD, then immediately updated it to the 503 SP and 503B Path.

My only issue I can find thus far is when you try to access the Application Help, (Help -> Contents), it will produce a 404 Error saying that it cannot find the file. I tried installing the Help 503 executable which was successful, but I suppose I don't know why it is not able to find the Help directory, or rather, why the help directory isn't in the wwwroot file.

Any ideas as to why this is happening? I tried to go there via the Live database and the Training database.