App Studio - Button to Clear Form

Hi All,

I’m new to all the App-Studio toolbox offerings. Can anyone point me to the right tools to complete this event?

I’m building a slide-out panel (tied to the Quote Line Item form and QuoteDtl table) where my sales people can add information into fields for equipment they’re quoting. I wanted to add a button on the form to “Clear the Form” should they wish to wipe it out and start over.

The Button works, and I can clear the respective columns, but the clear is only on the Client UI. If I close the quote and reopen it… the cleared data comes back. If I click “Save”… MOST of the data stays clear… though any column which is an integer comes back (I’m assuming because it won’t accept an empty value).

So… (2) Questions:


Right now I have the Event Trigger (Button On-Click)… a Dialog to ask if they’re sure they want to clear the form… and then the “Row Update” which clears each column.

How do I set the integer columns to a value of zero?
Is this done with the “Expression” field or is this done via JSON?
What is the expression or JSON code to pull this off?

What do I need to add to the event to save/post this change (update the row on the Server Side) without making my sales people have to remember to click the Save button themselves?
If you could point me to the correct toolbox action that would be very helpful.

I’m certainly not a programmer/developer by trade so I’m trying to learn this stuff along the way. I wish Epicor had more tutorials and/or examples I could use as templates… or at least a comprehensive description of what each action does. I haven’t been able to find very much on EpicWeb or even in the App Studio Help.

This has been successful for me to save and show changes to the UI use event next and input OnClick_toolSave

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Thanks. I tried this and it doesn’t seem to work. Digging into the OnClick_toolSave… it looks like it is saving QuoteHed, but perhaps not QuoteDtl? I could be wrong.

But unfortunately, it doesn’t appear to work in my case. The values from the cleared fields come back if I close the Quote and come back in.

I appreciate the help and suggestion. I’ll keep trying other options along these lines!