I was wondering if there is a way of printing the job traveler or generating the job traveler from the api. I need to automate the process.
Yes, you can do this with the REST api & helper library on this forum. An excerpt from one of my programs as reference:
private static bool TryDownloadingJobSSRS(string jobNum, int numCopies, string reportStyleID, string printerName, string suffix)
var reportGUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var pData = new
ds = new
JobTravParam = new[]
PrntAllMassPrnt = false,
Jobs = jobNum,
Assembly = "0",
ReportStyleNum = reportStyleID,
AutoAction = "SSRSPREVIEW",
SSRSRenderFormat = "PDF",
TaskNote = reportGUID,
ShpSchd = true,
BarCodes = true,
var pdfFileName = $@"{Settings.Default.TempPDFLocation}{jobNum}{suffix}.pdf";
EpicorRest.DynamicPost("Erp.RPT.JobTravSvc", "RunDirect", pData);
if (EpicorRest.LastCallResult != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
Log.Error($"[{jobNum}] FAILED TO GENERATE REPORT. See error:");
critialErrors += 1;
return false;
var reports = EpicorRest.DynamicGet("BaqSvc", "Production-DownloadTravRpt", new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "GUID", reportGUID } });
if (EpicorRest.LastCallResult != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
Log.Error($"[{jobNum}] FAILED TO DOWNLOAD REPORT. See error:");
critialErrors += 1;
return false;
else if (reports["value"].Count <= 0)
Log.Error($"[{jobNum}] ERROR: BAQ 'Production-DownloadTravRpt' returned no results, so no report could be downloaded.");
critialErrors += 1;
return false;
File.WriteAllBytes(pdfFileName, Convert.FromBase64String(reports["value"].Last.SysRptLst_RptData.ToString()));
return true;
catch (Exception e)
Log.Error($"[{jobNum}]: Could not save report pdf. File path: {pdfFileName}");
Log.Error($"[{jobNum}]: Error: {e}");
critialErrors += 1;
return false;
I am doing this from Java so I am trying to translate the above. So the Erp.RPT.JobTravSvc generates the Job Traveler Report? and what does Production-DownloadTravRpt do ? and how do I create that? You mention a library.
yes, thanks to @josecgomez and @jgiese.wci there are helper libraries. I don’t think they is one for java though
We don’t have one for Java… we could write one… maybe… UGH haha
Say @Andrew_Burger how about shifting to C#? LoL
@josecgomez Sorry I am diehard Java Developer.
I have Java code already calling the some of the endpoints of the REST api already. I am new to EPICOR development so I am learning the endpoints names and the required parameters. So Erp.RPT.JobTravSvc and Production-DownloadTravRpt endpoints and trying to figure out how to reproduce the required parameters to get the JobTraveler to download or print. From what I am learning is there is a way to get it to print from a REST endpoint as well as getting it to download. My assigned task is to get the JobTraveler to print with all the attachments in a client app that I have written in Java. So any help understanding how to print or download or both would be helpful.
That Production Download RPT is a BAQ (Epicor Query) that @Evan_Purdy wrote which takes the bytes of the report and returns them as a byte array.
He can maybe provide a copy of the BAQ, without it, its pretty hard to get the data from the Report.
The parameters sent to the JobTravSvc are required as @Evan_Purdy sent you can’t send less. Not Unless you write an Epicor function (what version of Epicor are you on) which can do it all in a single call.
Thanks so much.
This is a stupid question but is there a way to tell what version the customer is running from the rest api?
Evan shows you how here…