AP invoice showing balance amount while it's fully paid and payment is posted

Hello team, I have a problem in erp 10. AP invoice posted and
its payment posted but AP invoice tracker shows there is a balance. Open payable is also zero

On the database it shows open payable as zero but invoiceBal, DocInvoiceBal, UnpostedBal and DocunpostedBal column shows amount
What could be the issue?

We had a similar issue with a couple of invoices where the UnpostedBal and DocUnpostedBal were incorrect despite no open adjustments or payments existing. We never determined an exact cause of the issue, but we were able to get a data fix from support that allowed us to adjust the InvoiceBal, DocInvoiceBal, UnposedBal, and DocUnpostedBal fields to the correct values.

Thank you Tsmith for your prompt response. Am worried will this fix work for erp10.2.200?

As long as you specify your Epicor version when you talk to support requesting the data fix, they will provide you with one that matches your version.