Due to a system glitch, we made a double payment on an AP invoice. In the system, we now have a negative balance on the invoice, but it is not showing up on our payment list or aged payables.
Our vendor has acknowledged the overpayment, and it is sitting as a credit balance on their records. But we are unable to apply this credit to a future payment in Kinetic. Is there a way to transfer the negative balance on this invoice to a debit memo?
AP Invoice amount = $100
Payment on invoice = $200
Invoice balance = -$100
Can we transfer the -$100 invoice balance to a debit memo for $100? Or is there another way to apply that $100 towards a future purchase from the same vendor?
Yes! This happened to us in February. First time in 7 years in this job.
My (actual) notes on what we did are:
Last month, some invoices were double-paid (due to a glitch), but no debit memo was generated to reflect the overage
We did an “Adjustment” to one of the invoices that was double paid
a. Amount was positive and equal to the original amount (i.e. half of the doubled amount)
b. (Note to self: it’s literally just called Adjustment in the Kinetic menu. When you open the screen it does say “AP Adjustment Entry.”)
This nullified the overpayment
Of course we really did overpay, so next step was going to be to create a debit memo to reflect this (so that it can be applied to a future balance).
And this did make all the accountants happy.
Here is a BAQ I made to hunt down any duplicates: ACC_DoubleChecks.baq (24.2 KB)
It can return some false positives in the rare event that you do have the same invoice twice on the same check. But it worked in a hurry.
Jason, thank you very much for this. I shared it with our finance team and they have confirmed that it has resolved their problem. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Ha, if you can tell from my notes, I don’t do AP much. I know AR very well, but our AP person is so good that I never had to learn her job, and she’s been here from the start of us using Epicor.
So this wisdom was me sitting with her and talking through the process (and testing in dev), and together we worked it out.
Have you been able to figure out what causes this issue?
I created a case in EpicCare, they don’t seem to be aware of the issue but since we can’t replicate on demand, it has not been reported to development for a fix.
This only happens in the Kinetic form.
I created a support ticket on the issue.
I was told by support that they had other customers report the same thing but couldn’t replicate the issue. Since that is the case, it hasn’t been reported to development.
Any thoughts from anyone on how to use that BAQ to prevent the batch from posting the checks?
It happened to us in classic client. Somehow during the original payment the APInvHed.OpenPayable field didn’t get updated to false. That meant users saw and could pull them into a 2nd Payment Entry group.