AP invoice Details description to GL Report SSRS

Hi all experts, i am new to epicor support, my finance side is having an issue, due to the original AP invoice description has characters limit. So the users enter the description under “AP Invoice Entry” ----------“Lines”----------“Details”--------- Description Field name is “APInvDtl.Description”

May i know how to link this description to the General Ledger Reports.

I have tried duplicate the Report data definition and Report style, but while come to data relationship, i was stuck there.

Many thanks if anyone can share your idea or any alternative way like to change the original APInvHed.description to accept more characters. currently system default is (x30) limit.

AP Invoice Entry-----------“Summary”--------Description field name is “APInvHed.description”

Anyone help? https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.b74804882f1c222f0af7093e2be8bb21&pid=Api&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2Fl3vR11Mr4XpqhtSHm%2Fgiphy.gif&ehk=sPvL96uqRv538HyEroX8iAPflluTAlTDiUBg8uomrg4%3D

…Anyone help? :frowning:

Many thanks if anyone can share your idea or any alternative way like to change the original APInvHed.description to accept more characters. currently system default is (x30) limit.

Consider using UD field

I guess you didn’t define your problem clearly. Why do you want to put the Line Description into the General Ledger Reports?

Hi TobyLai, thanks for your help and further explanation. Actually i tried to upload more picture, but system won’t allow me to upload more than one picture. :sweat_smile: . Thanks again.

@Chun_Siong_Lee I looked at the report data definition you are trying to work with. This is a hard one to work with. Are they just needing to research some additional details or actually analyze with balances. This is SQL code that I have used to create a report for our finance team. You can use this code to create a BAQ. This is only a detail listing of the General Ledger account. You will need a parameter to input the GL and either Fiscal Year or Start and End dates. Hope this helps. This code looks at journal details completely. So it is including customer and supplier information.

SELECT A1.Company
,ISNULL(A3.Description,’’) AS InvoiceDescription
,ISNULL(A4.VendorID,’’) AS SupplierID
,ISNULL(A6.CustID,’’) AS CustomerID
,ISNULL(A1.MatchDate,’’) AS MatchDate
,SUBSTRING(A1.GLAccount,8,2) + ‘-’ + LEFT(A1.GLAccount,6) + ‘-’ + RIGHT(A1.GLAccount,2) AS GLDisplayAccount
,A2.AccountDesc AS AccountDescription
FROM Epicor10.erp.GLJrnDtl A1 WITH (NOLOCK)
Epicor10.erp.GLAcctDisp A2 WITH (NOLOCK)
ON A1.Company = A2.Company AND A1.GLAccount = A2.GLAccount
Epicor10.erp.APInvHed A3 WITH (NOLOCK)
ON A1.Company = A3.Company AND A1.VendorNum = A3.VendorNum AND A1.APInvoiceNum = A3.InvoiceNum
Epicor10.erp.Vendor A4 WITH (NOLOCK)
ON A3.Company = A4.Company AND A3.VendorNum = A4.VendorNum
Epicor10.dbo.InvcHead A5 WITH (NOLOCK)
ON A1.Company = A5.Company AND A1.ARInvoiceNum = A5.InvoiceNum
Epicor10.dbo.Customer A6 WITH (NOLOCK)
ON A5.Company = A6.Company AND A5.CustNum = A6.CustNum